FALL FOR (someone) Definition: to begin to love someone. E.g.1: He fell for her the moment he first saw her, and they got married 6 months later. E.g.2: Life can be difficult if you fall for someone who is not suitable. This phrasal verb cannot be separated.
FALL OFF Definition: to separate from something and fall. (This verb has more than one meaning) E.g.1. The glass fell off the table and smashed on the floor. E.g.2. I know from personal experience that if you fall off a motorbike, it hurts. This phrasal verb can’t be separated.
FALL OUT Definition: to have an argument and stop being friendly with someone. (This phrasal verb has more than one meaning) E.g.1: The band broke up because one member fell out with certain other members. E.g.2: I often fall out with my girlfriend, but we soon become friends again. This phrasal verb cannot be separated.
FIGURE OUT Definition: to find the answer to a problem, a question, or the reason for something by investigating it and thinking about it carefully. E.g.1. I can’t figure out why these totals don’t match. E.g.2. I’ve finally figured out why she got so upset yesterday. This phrasal verb can be separated.
FILL IN Definition: to complete a form by writing the required information in the appropriate places. (British English) (This verb has more than one meaning) E.g.1. When you apply for a passport, you have to fill in a form. E.g.2. I’m afraid you haven’t filled this form in correctly. Would you like me to help you fill it in? This phrasal verb can be separated.
FILL UP Definition: to fill a container so that no more can be put in it. (This phrasal verb has more than one meaning) E.g.1. I fill the biscuit barrel up every week, but after 5 days it’s always empty. E.g.2. Would you fill my cup up with coffee? I need to stay awake! This phrasal verb can be separated.
FIGHT BACK Definition: to defend yourself when someone attacks you or causes problems, and try to win or stop the situation. E.g.1. She was losing by 3 games to 0, but she fought back and won the set. E.g.2. Don’t just accept defeat; fight back! This phrasal verb can’t be separated.
FOB (someone) OFF Definition: to persuade someone to accept something that they don’t want, or didn’t ask for. E.g.1: He’s not a good doctor. My friend went to see him because she was suffering from terrible headaches and vomiting, and he just fobbed her off with some aspirin and told her to come back in 2 weeks. E.g.2: I don’t want to be fobbed off with excuses, I want to know who is responsible for this problem! This phrasal verb can be separated. (E.g.1)
FOG UP (referring to something made of glass etc) Definition: to become difficult to see through because it is covered in very small drops of water. E.g.1. The trouble with wearing glasses is that they fog up in cold weather. E.g.2. The bus window had fogged up so he wiped it with his sleeve and looked out. This phrasal verb can’t be separated.
FOLD (something) UP Definition: to make something smaller by bending or turning it so that one part of it lies on another part. (This phrasal verb has more than one meaning) E.g.1: When he had finished writing the letter he folded it up and put it in the envelope. E.g.2: Don’t leave your clothes on the floor! Fold them up neatly and put them in the chest of drawers. This phrasal verb can be separated. (E.g. 1 and 2)