ADD UP Definition: to calculate the total of a series of numbers. (This verb has more than one meaning) E.g.1. I’ve added these numbers up three times, and each time I get a different total! E.g.2. If you add up 3, 5, and 2 the total is 10 This phrasal verb can be separated.
ARGUE (something) OUT Definition: to discuss an idea or plan in detail, covering all the aspects and possible consequences, in order to reach a decision. E.g.1: It’s an interesting proposal, but I’d like to argue it out with you before agreeing to it. E.g.2: While they were arguing out the plan they realised that it would cost too much money. This phrasal verb can be separated.
ASK (someone) OUT Definition: to invite someone to go on a date with you. (This phrasal verb has more than one meaning) E.g.1: He really likes her and he knows she doesn’t have a boyfriend at the moment, but he’s too shy to ask her out. E.g.2: When she asked him out he was shocked because in his country only boys did such things. This phrasal verb can be separated. (E.g. 1 and 2)
ASK (someone) ROUND Definition: to invite someone to visit you at your house. E.g.1: We can’t go to the cinema on Friday because Alysson has invited us round to her house. E.g.2: I invited the Smiths round for a meal on Saturday. This phrasal verb can be separated
AVERAGE (something) OUT Definition: to calculate the average of a series of numbers. E.g.1: It’ll make the planning easier if we average these figures out. E.g.2: How many hours do you work in a week? I suppose it averages out at 40, but it depends on the project I’m working on. This phrasal verb can be separated. (E.g.1)